Taylor Simmons
20th Century | 20世纪, 2023
Oil, acrylic on canvas
51 x 46 x 2.8 cm
20 1/8 x 18 1/8 x 1 1/8 in
20 1/8 x 18 1/8 x 1 1/8 in
照片: 摄影:四禧美术馆 | Photo by Sixi Museum
This is a funeral painting. There are maybe three failed paintings under this one. I found this image while digging through eBay and it made me feel deeply unsettled. The...
This is a funeral painting. There are maybe three failed paintings under this one. I found this image while digging through eBay and it made me feel deeply unsettled. The idea of this man’s death being recorded, forgotten, and then digitally exhumed for consumption and profit. I wanted to free this figure from that world, offering instead an open-ended exploration of his personhood while doing my best to show reverence and love. My depiction of his face is intentionally vague.
Taylor Simmons
这是一张有关葬礼的画,在它之下叠了三层曾经失败的绘画尝试。图像来自一张在 eBay 上发现的老照片。一个人的死亡被记录,被遗忘,最后又以数字化的方式被消费的过程令我心神不宁。我试图把他从数字洪流中“解救”出来——重新开放对他人生的探讨,尽可能表达敬意与爱。我故意对他的面部做了模糊化处理。
Taylor Simmons
这是一张有关葬礼的画,在它之下叠了三层曾经失败的绘画尝试。图像来自一张在 eBay 上发现的老照片。一个人的死亡被记录,被遗忘,最后又以数字化的方式被消费的过程令我心神不宁。我试图把他从数字洪流中“解救”出来——重新开放对他人生的探讨,尽可能表达敬意与爱。我故意对他的面部做了模糊化处理。
Where's my hug at?给我的拥抱呢?