Sixi Education | From Rebellion to Renaissance: Black Artists Transforming the Art World: Art lecture and discussion salon

Sixi Museum 23 September 2023 
Sixi Museum 16:30 - 18:30

Sixi Education


Sixi Museum is honored to host a lecture titled From Rebellion to Renaissance: Black Artists Transforming the Art World on September 23rd. This event is part of a series coinciding with the ongoing solo exhibition of the artist Taylor Simmons.



When we delve into the history of African Americans, our thoughts often gravitate towards terms like slavery, the Civil War, and ethnic conflicts, which have long been central themes in black art. Despite their tumultuous history, African Americans have nurtured a diverse array of art forms with profound cultural impact, encompassing hip-hop culture, street art, and the iconic Harlem Renaissance. Emerging from a history fraught with adversity, the younger generation of African American artists now confidently enters the annals of art history, embracing freedom and unbridled self-expression. Artistic creation has transcended its role as a form of resistance to become a vehicle for unadulterated self-expression.



In the initial segment of this seminar, Art Researcher Shen Yiren will guide us through the contours of Black history, tracing the cultural footprints left by African Americans on Western society. We will delve into the works of internationally acclaimed contemporary black artists within their historical and cultural contexts. Shen Yiren will provide profound insights into these artists' themes, perspectives, and visual languages, illuminating the transformation of art from a tool of protest into a conduit for poetic expression.

In the latter portion of the seminar, Curator Zheng Shu will examine the responses and engagements of mainstream Western elite culture with ethnic minority art. Furthermore, she will provide insight and perspectives on the current status and prospective developments within the market for African contemporary artists.

Collectively, we hope these seminar segments will offer local audiences a nuanced understanding of how African American artists have evolved from rebellion to spearheading a flourishing artistic renaissance, fundamentally reshaping the contemporary art landscape.




*The event will be held in Chinese.