Sixi Screening Project | The Mountains Sing: Film screening and salon on visual anthropology

Nanjing, China 17 November 2023 
Nanjing, China 18:30-21:00

Sixi Screening Project


On 17 November 2023, Sixi Museum will collaborate with Bei Wei Screening to host a film screening of “The Mountains Sing” and a visual ethnography salon. The event aims to share the dilemma and perseverance of niche culture in today's commercial society, and to explore the issues of individual experience and self-identity in the context of consumerism.


In the current exhibition "Where's my hug at?" at Sixi Museum, young artist Taylor Simmons paints from his own life experiences and project his personal emotions and consciousness into the characters in his paintings. Whether it's a memorable prom on campus, or a church, a car repair shop or a studio scene, all present the warmth and playfulness of real life.
In Simmons' paintings, the eyes of the figures are both straightforward and mesmerising, and the interactions and pulls between the figures are full of tension, like a cinematic narrative, full of intriguing plots and a hazy, dreamlike atmosphere. Simmons uses personal experience and the life and culture of the African-American community as the basis for his work, combining it with pop culture and musical inspirations to explore the relationship between the individual and the community, as well as the confusion and longing for love and intimacy in modern times.


Simmons's work is nurtured by the evolution of the lives of the Afro-descendant population, with a particular concern for the culture of the people to which he belongs, and an attempt to inject new interpretations into it. This narrative purpose coincides with film director Yang Xiao's motivation and inspiration for “The Mountains Sing”. Yang Xiao, who travelled through the mountains and forests of the Zhuang ethnic region in China to accumulate filming materials, hopes to reflect the context of the era behind the traditional cultural imagery of the “Ge Xu” through documentary and retrospective visuals.


On Friday evening, in the tranquil space of Sixi Museum, we will be waiting to explore with you the diverse charms of different art forms.



Event Flow


18:30 - 19:00
Free viewing time for exhibition "Where's my hug at?"


19:00 - 20:20
Film screening + director's talk


20:20 - 21:00
Visual ethnography salon



*The event will be held in Chinese.

*You are welcome to register for the event on WeChat.