The young female artist, fuchsia, who comes from France, lives in London and Paris now. She employs watercolours, oil paints and acrylics are her main medium to express her iconic style and ways of how she worships nature and worries about sustainable development worldwide in her paintings. She is skilled in utilizing rich colours and flexible brushstrokes to depict fascinating surrealist scenes, attempting to explore various antagonistic relationships, such as goods and evil, man and nature, reality and dreams, traditions and contemporary.
She currently lives and works in London, but she spent much of her childhood in Hong Kong and New Delhi. Due to the multicultural life experiences, the artworks of fuchsia contain plenty of spiritual symbols originating from Oriental and Western cultures. Ranging from oriental dragons to Western angels, or from the Buddhist Final Elysian to Biblical Eden, fuchsia hopes to poetically present the young generations’ universal anxiety and confusion about the future of the earth through these spiritual symbols which across eastern and western cultures.