Taylor Simmons
8:30 Mass | 8:30 的弥撒, 2022
Oil, acrylic, spray paint on canvas
157 x 132 x 3 cm
61 3/4 x 52 x 1 1/8 in
61 3/4 x 52 x 1 1/8 in
照片: 摄影:四禧美术馆 | Photo by Sixi Museum
r/Catholicism4 yr. agoby [deleted]I’m here again. sneaking out, not feeling sorry for my sin, presuming God’s forgiveness, and so many more things.recap: I’m supposed to go to my first confession...
r/Catholicism4 yr. agoby [deleted]I’m here again. sneaking out, not feeling sorry for my sin, presuming God’s forgiveness, and so many more things.recap: I’m supposed to go to my first confession this coming Monday, and one of the sins I was going to confess was that I disobeyed my parents. however, I have now realized that I am not sorry for that sin, at least not “in time” for my confession, as I had plans of sneaking out when both my parents were at work on Tuesday, the literal day after my confession.
r/Catholicism4 年前匿名来源我又一次从早晨的弥撒中逃了出来,且并不为此感到内疚,我假定上帝会赐予我宽宥和许多其他的东西。补充:下周一应该是我第一次做忏悔的日子。我想要坦白的罪过之一是我不听爸妈的话,但我现在意识到自己并不因此而愧疚,至少没有做到“及时忏悔”,因为我计划在周二,趁父母都上班的时候偷偷溜出去玩——这恰恰是我忏悔后的第一天。
·“r/Catholicism”是美国社交网站 Reddit 一个宗教主题的讨论区。
r/Catholicism4 年前匿名来源我又一次从早晨的弥撒中逃了出来,且并不为此感到内疚,我假定上帝会赐予我宽宥和许多其他的东西。补充:下周一应该是我第一次做忏悔的日子。我想要坦白的罪过之一是我不听爸妈的话,但我现在意识到自己并不因此而愧疚,至少没有做到“及时忏悔”,因为我计划在周二,趁父母都上班的时候偷偷溜出去玩——这恰恰是我忏悔后的第一天。
·“r/Catholicism”是美国社交网站 Reddit 一个宗教主题的讨论区。
Where's my hug at?给我的拥抱呢?